Berkshire Sands
stillbirth and neonatal death charity

Support Line: 07936392644
Email: berkshiresands@hotmail.co.uk
Support Groups

Berkshire Sands is a local support group offering support to anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby.​ This Support group is run by trained befrienders. Here you are free to talk as much or as little as you like, theres no pressure. We offer support, advice and a safe space for you to come.
We meet the last Tuesday of every month at All Saints Church, Dedworth Road, Berkshire SL4 4JW
7pm - 9pm
For further information please email us or contact via our support phone.

This is a local support group offering support to parents who may be pregnant again, have already welcomed their Rainbow baby into their families, or who just feel they would like to join the group for support following the death of a previous baby.
Our coffee mornings are very informal and light hearted and are similar in format to a traditional 'mother and baby or toddler group' (although of course, dads and grandparents are also welcome!).
please see our facebook page for up to date details of our rainbow events.